Why Use Bootleg MTG Cards

Bootleg Magic: The Gathering cards make the game more accessible and affordable. For example, they allow users to build a tier 1 competitive legacy, modern, or commander deck for $100 instead of $5,000. If any of the following apply, Bootleg MTG cards might be right for you.

  • You do not want others to know you are using proxy cards.

  • You cannot source, afford, or otherwise obtain real copies of certain cards, but still wish to use them for gameplay purposes in tournaments, events, or settings unfriendly towards proxies.

  • You own the real cards, but do not wish to financially expose yourself by bringing them to a major tournament with large crowds which lends itself to theft.

  • You are playing in a new store or new area, and do not wish to draw attention to yourself or otherwise risk theft by using extremely expensive cards.

  • Your real cards are not in good shape, and need to be kept safe to prevent further damage.

  • You prefer the look of authentic cards to proxy cards (which may not look as good).

Regardless of the reason, people from all walks of life and all levels of experience use bootleg MTG cards.

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