Counterfeit Magic Cards

Counterfeit Magic Cards share all of the qualities of Bootleg Magic Cards, except when inspecting the cards using sophisticated tools (such as a microscope or jeweler's loupe) the cards are indistinguishable from the real cards. They pass common counterfeit tests such as:

  • The green dot test.

  • The rip test (looking for blue core).

  • Checking the "T" on the back for "pumpkin teeth", deckmaster text, or other nuances evident in the real cards.

There is much debate whether true counterfeit cards exist. There are many older magic cards that are indeed counterfeit, meaning to take the back from a real card and print on it, or combine a real back with a fake front. We know this has occured with Collector's Edition cards and Beta cards, but there is little evidence to suggest that any true counterfeit cards exist for modern-era cards. Personally, I find that in theory, counterfeit card only benefit those wishing to scam or otherwise defraud investors, vendors, or peers out of money.

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